Thursday, August 18, 2011

Good Things Come In Small Packages

We are now into Day 2 of unpacking--oh, I don't know--a million boxes (and we thought we had pared down to just the stuff we wanted to take!), and slowly, slowly, they are being emptied.  The goal today was to try and get the kitchen in functioning order.  We almost succeeded.  I did find enough pots to make spaghetti if I can make the time to go grocery shopping tomorrow.  Dave went hunting and gathering this morning and found a couple of grocery centers just a few minutes from our house, so our days of eating out will be coming to a screeching halt soon.  My son has made quick work of finding ways to feel comfortable amid the chaos.

We have to periodically take a break from the unpacking and clear our heads with a walk to the playground or around the block.  Of course, the ulterior motive is to try and find some other cooped up moms/dads/grandparents/babysitters out walking and playing with their children.  I think my daughter was expecting a parade of neighborhood kids to come down the street five minutes after we walked in the door Monday morning and deeply disappointed when it didn't happen on the second day either.  The moving truck and car transporter that sat in front of our house most of the day on Wednesday helped to officially announce our arrival.  Both kids were barreling down the waterslide at the neighbor's house by mid-afternoon.

Today during our walk, we discovered just how hilly it is around our neighborhood.  Pretty, but definitely a cardio workout.  Add 100 lbs. worth of children in a jogging stroller and you've got yourself a huffing and puffing good time.  We found a shady stretch of fenceline to take a breather while my daughter picked a few petals off the clematis trying to escape its enclosure.

After another hunting and gathering run to Portland, we discovered the two little girls that live next door to us.  My niece and I were quickly digging out bicycles and helmets and supervising the--once again--hilly adventure with four children this time around the block.  Dawson discovered how to use the brakes on his John Deere bike and I discovered just how quickly and gazelle-like I can still move when chasing my four-year-old as he goes hurtling down a 10% grade at top speed.  How relaxing.  Afterwards, (to my exhausted relief in spite of the mess) our house and backyard were a blur of little bodies running back and forth and up and down the stairs.  Hopefully tomorrow will bring more of the same.



  1. Glad to hear that you are slowly discovering the layout and the neighborhood. It took us 6-8 months to find all the kids on our block (most of it being winter). Looks like you are having a grand old time in spite of all the stress of unpacking.. We are looking forward to seeing you guys in a couple of months..

  2. Yay for new buddies! Hopefully the little neighbor girls have some type of guardian that is willing to either take your children for an afternoon or come over for a scotch while they kids play at your place!
