Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Between A Hotel And A Home Place

We have arrived in Portland and are figuring out how to cram five people between our hotel next to the airport and our empty home across the river in Washington.  The moving truck that was to arrive on Monday the 15th, will finally arrive tomorrow, Wednesday the 17th.  Not a moment too soon for this mom!  Our niece came along for the ride this week to help out with the kids while we deal with all the fun things that come along with relocating.

Yesterday, we took some time off from thinking about moving and explored the Oregon coast, albeit briefly.  Cannon Beach was chilly, but beautiful.  The kids had no qualms about running into the surf, which was comparable to taking a dip in Lake Superior.  After a few hours and some supper, we packed about a pound of sand and a few of the surf-polished black rocks into our rental car and headed back to Portland.

Today, Dave had a meeting in downtown Portland, so the kids and I spent the day at our new home while I did some painting in the upstairs bedrooms.  Had I known how difficult it would be to paint these freakishly textured walls, I would have sprung for the $200 fee to have it done professionally.  One room done, one to go.

The kids have figured out how to entertain themselves in the new house in spite of it being void of all traditional forms of entertainment.  For instance, the large space above the fireplace doubles as an impromptu stage/theater for plays and concerts bound to entertain the most sophisticated of entertainment palates.

I think we should go out and buy a lottery ticket tonight as we found out today that both our moving truck and car transporter will be arriving tomorrow morning for drop-off.  It must be our lucky day.  In addition, it appears that my e-mail at centurytel.net still works out here, so I may not have to come up with a new one after all.  Hurray!

Beautiful flowers abound everywhere.  I've never seen such big or beautiful hydrangeas as I have here.  And to wrap things up tonight, I'll leave you with our view of Mt. Hood on the commute to our new home.  I could get used to this.



  1. Love the update. You are, you know, making the rest of us prairie dwellers jealous!!! Hope Dayna is being helpful. Blessings!

  2. Yes, Dayna has been very helpful. We are all glad to be getting out of the hotel today. The beds and the rattling A/C unit have seen the last of us.
