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OK, are you ready? Give me your best five minutes on:
This time of year is full of things to catch. A scarlet leaf, a worn out football, a cool fall breeze, and my least favorite, a new virus. As with any new school year, a batch of ick is working its way through the local schools. Each morning, I stuff my children full of vitamins and supplements and send them out the door with a quick prayer to keep them in a sanitary bubble while they're away.
Of course, the flip side is that by keeping them secluded from the outside world, they also miss all the things that make being a kid so fun. I can only speak for myself, of course, but I don't remember my mother ever barging in on an intense scene in our superhero role play to squirt us with hand sanitizer. Nor do I remember ever having been dragged to the doctor for a flu shot.
Has the level of ick become uglier, are we products of media hype, or are we just more educated about the ick?
Here's hoping you're all healthy and happy and able to enjoy the beautiful cool weather this time of year offers without all the snow.
This weekend, we travel to my Mecca....Forks, Washington. Stay tuned.
Love your take on it. You are so true. I never remember those either, but I know for a fact that I am guilty of hand sanitizing them when we were riding the subways of New York!!